How to Crack any exam & Interview ?
Millions of candidates sign up every year for various competitive exams & apply for an interview, but only a small number of them succeed. The design of these exams & interviews allows for the separation of the top applicants from the rest. Competitive exams are challenging, but passing them is not as difficult as nailing jelly to a tree! One can succeed in competitive exams with the right approach, preparation, and commitment.But interview is also a final part after these exams. Students today have access to technology and the internet that can help them study for these exams more effectively & they can even prepare for interview from web . Every query or uncertainty can be answered with a single click. For the students, there is an endless supply of content.However, none of these facilities will be useful if the proper strategy and planning are not employed. Each of the competitive exams consists of a number of sections. Every section aims to put certain candidate charact...