
Showing posts with the label careertips

How To Crack A Group Discussion

  A group discussion is primarily used as a method of candidate screening, particularly for educational institutions and entry-level positions. The general discussion (GD) round, which is a component of the interview process, evaluates candidates based on their speaking, communication skills, ideas, and personalities. It shows the candidate's capacity for interaction and performance in a variety of work environments. Process of a GD round Candidates are notified that they will be given a topic to discuss and that they have a set amount of time, say 15 minutes, to do so. The applicants are given roughly 5 to 10 minutes before the subjects are assigned to them so they can organise their thoughts on the subject. The group is informed beforehand that they will be notified when the preparation period is finished. The group will be responsible for controlling how long the debate lasts.Group interviews are becoming more common to screen candidates more effectively, much like GD. Tips To C...

How to Say No To Others With Confidence and Ease?

Do you have trouble saying no to other people? Do you find yourself pushing your limitations rather than saying no to people? Some people find it difficult to deny others. When someone makes a request, they will always respond yes, partly because they do not know how to say no. The other factor is a desire not to disappoint people. However, while answering yes appears to be a quick option, it is not always the greatest answer. Just as saying no has consequences, not saying no has consequences as well, including the ones listed below. How to Say No and Why It is Important? When you say no, you may be indicating one or more of the following: When you say yes to something you dislike, you say no to something you adore. When you accept a job you dislike, you give up on your aspirations. When you say yes to someone you dislike, you are saying no to a satisfying relationship. When you agree to work extra, you are saying no to your social life. Learning to say "no" to individuals wh...