Qualities Recruiters want to see in every single candidate

Though certain occupations require an infinite number of abilities, the most desirable employee characteristics are frequently common, whether you're an aeronautical engineer, sales associate, or mailroom worker. So, what are these highly sought-after qualities? Monster contacted nine recruiters and career gurus to learn what they look for in every prospect, from the C-suite to interns. Ambition "An ambitious candidate arrives prepared for the interview and exhibits a strong interest in the role." A candidate that wants to advance their career with the organisation might be a long-term investment. Curiosity "Curiosity can pop off a CV and cover letter by including diverse experiences within a person's chosen field." It manifests itself during interviews when a candidate asks insightful questions regarding the client company's history and culture, as well as the role itself. Before your interview, research the sector and firm so you can go on to a more in...