
Showing posts from October, 2022

How To Crack A Group Discussion

  A group discussion is primarily used as a method of candidate screening, particularly for educational institutions and entry-level positions. The general discussion (GD) round, which is a component of the interview process, evaluates candidates based on their speaking, communication skills, ideas, and personalities. It shows the candidate's capacity for interaction and performance in a variety of work environments. Process of a GD round Candidates are notified that they will be given a topic to discuss and that they have a set amount of time, say 15 minutes, to do so. The applicants are given roughly 5 to 10 minutes before the subjects are assigned to them so they can organise their thoughts on the subject. The group is informed beforehand that they will be notified when the preparation period is finished. The group will be responsible for controlling how long the debate lasts.Group interviews are becoming more common to screen candidates more effectively, much like GD. Tips To C...

How to Say No To Others With Confidence and Ease?

Do you have trouble saying no to other people? Do you find yourself pushing your limitations rather than saying no to people? Some people find it difficult to deny others. When someone makes a request, they will always respond yes, partly because they do not know how to say no. The other factor is a desire not to disappoint people. However, while answering yes appears to be a quick option, it is not always the greatest answer. Just as saying no has consequences, not saying no has consequences as well, including the ones listed below. How to Say No and Why It is Important? When you say no, you may be indicating one or more of the following: When you say yes to something you dislike, you say no to something you adore. When you accept a job you dislike, you give up on your aspirations. When you say yes to someone you dislike, you are saying no to a satisfying relationship. When you agree to work extra, you are saying no to your social life. Learning to say "no" to individuals wh...


  Let's face it, nobody enjoys being turned down for anything in life. much more so if it comes after a job interview. We are more deeply affected by receiving an interview rejection letter. With a few notable exceptions, the majority of Indian companies do not even inform you if you are not shortlisted after the interview. Just keep the candidates in the dark. This is incredibly disrespectful and makes it harder for candidates to handle the situation. Job seekers frequently experience melancholy and become mired in never-ending cycles of rejection. This not only hinders their ability to discover the best offer, but also slows down the procedure. Nevertheless, even after numerous rejections, life continues on.But after it all, the answer is still the same. They didn’t choose you. So what happens next? How do you move forward? Take time to feel the rejection Don't force yourself to feel better. Take your time and gradually get over it. Once the emotion has been fully experienced...

Five sectors likely to emerge in India

  India has become one of the economies in the world with the quickest growth because to its journey toward economic reform. India's biggest advantage is its sizable and expanding population, which has the potential to double GDP and push the country into the developed economies during the next ten years. All of this would be possible if a billion people could be made into a useful workforce. India has been repeating the demographic slogan for more than five years, but little actual progress has been made. Because possibilities sometimes bring with them obstacles. There is a huge need for knowledge workers in the services industry. Employability issues are pervasive. The enormous labour force in India has proven resistant to change. More than 90% of the workforce is undertrained. A skilled workforce is required for the growing number of jobs, many of which are in the sunrise sub-sectors. We must recognise fresh possibilities and get the supply side ready. Let's take a brief loo...

Qualities Recruiters want to see in every single candidate

Though certain occupations require an infinite number of abilities, the most desirable employee characteristics are frequently common, whether you're an aeronautical engineer, sales associate, or mailroom worker. So, what are these highly sought-after qualities? Monster contacted nine recruiters and career gurus to learn what they look for in every prospect, from the C-suite to interns. Ambition "An ambitious candidate arrives prepared for the interview and exhibits a strong interest in the role." A candidate that wants to advance their career with the organisation might be a long-term investment. Curiosity "Curiosity can pop off a CV and cover letter by including diverse experiences within a person's chosen field." It manifests itself during interviews when a candidate asks insightful questions regarding the client company's history and culture, as well as the role itself. Before your interview, research the sector and firm so you can go on to a more in...

Surprising benefits of failure

  We hear many success stories. Typically, achievements are celebrated while failures are hidden. This could be due to selective bias or simply a social habit of avoiding addressing failures. However, there are numerous advantages to changing our thoughts on failure and embracing it. The Surprising Benefits Of Failure 1. Failure can teach you lessons When you fail, it signifies that something or somewhere is still not good enough. When you can identify and close that gap, you are one step closer to success. Consider failure to be a learning experience that will lead you to your desired destination. Learn from your own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. Although going through your own failures can have a stronger impact at times, it can be unneeded if you already know that's the wrong move to do. Failure can be an effective teacher. Knowing what not to do is just as vital as learning what to do in our employment, financial life, and living aspirations. And, in the United St...

Personality Development Tips. How to improve your personality?

  Whether it's your first job, your third, or an important date, you want to wear your personality on your sleeves. Personality has become a common term in our language. It is that tangible-yet-undefined characteristic that businesses seek in job seekers and individuals seek in prospective mates. But what exactly is personality? Is it possible to define it? What is Personality? Personality is a distinct style of thinking, feeling, and acting. A study conducted by psychologists at the University of Illinois reveals that we can change our personality features if we want to. If you want to, you can become the best version of yourself. A version that exudes confidence, zeal, and serenity. The type that makes you stand out and helps you achieve your goals in life. Is there a recipe for developing such a personality? Let us investigate. Personality development tips 1. Know you are incomparable Feeling comfortable in your own  is the first step in developing a wonderful personality. ...