What are interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are also known as social skills, and we all use them on a daily basis. Interpersonal skills are how we interact with other people. It is highly linked to emotional intelligence, communication skills, creativity, decision-making ability, problem-solving abilities, and other traits. You can improve your interpersonal skills by learning and practising new ones. I've compiled a list of 16 Interpersonal Skills Worth Practicing. What are Interpersonal Skills? Interpersonal skills are the abilities we employ on a regular basis when communicating or interacting with others, both individually and in groups. Many talents are included, but the most commonly used ones are communication skills such as listening, effective speaking, and the capacity to control and manage your emotions. Interpersonal skills are often referred to as social skills, soft skills, people skills, or life skills. It goes without saying that interpersonal skills are the foundation for life success....